Would you PAY a subscription for a smarter Siri? – Is this Apple rumor crazy?

SiriPlus Mock Up
(Image credit: iGeksBlog)

Many have spotted that Siri – the voice assistant inside the iPhone and assorted Apple products – is lacking a bit in AI smarts compared to leading competitors. Now a rumor is circulating that Apple intends to catch up – but charge users a subscription fee for the privilege.

Showing up as the WWDC hype builds (but actually seen on Reddit a few months ago) this image apparently simulates an Apple sales page showing a list of features which might be reserved for 'Siri+' like 'Advanced Conversational Capabilities' and 'Proactive Assistance'...

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Adam Juniper
Managing Editor

With over 20 years of expertise as a tech journalist, Adam brings a wealth of knowledge across a vast number of product categories, including timelapse cameras, home security cameras, NVR cameras, photography books, webcams, 3D printers and 3D scanners, borescopes, radar detectors… and, above all, drones. 

Adam is our resident expert on all aspects of camera drones and drone photography, from buying guides on the best choices for aerial photographers of all ability levels to the latest rules and regulations on piloting drones. 

He is the author of a number of books including The Complete Guide to Drones, The Smart Smart Home Handbook, 101 Tips for DSLR Video and The Drone Pilot's Handbook