The new video, embedded below, was posted to the Japanese Lumix account on X (Twitter). While the previous teaser featured the tagline "Capture true color", this video doubles down on influencers by punctuating footage of hip young people taking selfies with the words "Shoot," "Style," "Share" and "Social".
No shade. It's just a very pronounced change in tack. Where the Chinese teaser was thought-provoking, creative and inspiring, the new video just feels like flat-out pandering to TikTokers and YouTubers.
So then, will this be positioned as a camera for vlogging? This branding is certainly a million miles from the kind of marketing that would appeal to hardcore street photographers using the Ricoh GR III, or upmarket full-frame compact shooters who cherish the Leica Q3.
This definitely seems like a camera aimed squarely at influencers and the Fujifilm X100VI crowd. With the full tagline "A new way to shoot, style, share and social" Panasonic is clearly promising something new to the market – which is probably where the "capturing true color" tag from the Chinese messaging comes into play.
What does that look like? Since this new Lumix is gunning for the X100 crowd, why not go the whole hog and simulate Fujifilm's film simulations – I'm guessing filters, focusing on color expression, are at the heart of this feature.
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The video concludes with the word "Soon" and the same May 23 date. I'm certainly less excited about this bit of marketing than I was the last one, but hey – the last few Lumix announcements have knocked it out of the park, so here's hoping that form continues.
The editor of Digital Camera World, James has 21 years experience as a journalist and started working in the photographic industry in 2014 (as an assistant to Damian McGillicuddy, who succeeded David Bailey as Principal Photographer for Olympus). In this time he shot for clients like Aston Martin Racing, Elinchrom and L'Oréal, in addition to shooting campaigns and product testing for Olympus, and providing training for professionals. This has led him to being a go-to expert for camera and lens reviews, photo and lighting tutorials, as well as industry news, rumors and analysis for publications like Digital Camera Magazine, PhotoPlus: The Canon Magazine, N-Photo: The Nikon Magazine, Digital Photographer and Professional Imagemaker, as well as hosting workshops and talks at The Photography Show. He also serves as a judge for the Red Bull Illume Photo Contest. An Olympus and Canon shooter, he has a wealth of knowledge on cameras of all makes – and a fondness for vintage lenses and instant cameras.