How to make money with your camera: earn cash with your photography

How to make money from photography workshops

If your photo skills are solid and you enjoy talking to people, one alternative way to make money from your camera is to run a photography workshop. This is where you coach fellow photographers to give them the benefit of your experience and help improve their own skills.

1. Plenty of choice

This sector of photography has increased dramatically over the last ten years, with photographers keen to learn from professionals. From landscape courses and studio workshops to masterclasses on post-processing and printing, there is still plenty of room to grow in this area.

Some workshops are half- or full-day affairs, while others stretch over multiple days. Likewise, some workshops require the attendees to turn up on the day while others offer overnight accommodation.

2. Find a USP

Top tip

Before you launch your own workshop, why not attend some yourself? This will give you the opportunity to see what works well and what should be avoided.

Just like composing an image, finding something special about your workshop will help it stand out from the crowd. Perhaps it’s expert knowledge of a specific area, or a mastery of a certain technique, such as HDR or black-and-white photography – anything that offers more than the next workshop will make a difference to your selling chances.

Giving access to restricted areas such as the side of racetracks will prove appealing if you can arrange it; or getting photographers close to rare wildlife such as birds of prey is another example of what will make a workshop popular.

3. Limit your crowd 

It can be tempting to book as many people as possible on your course to make the most profit. However, it’s worth thinking about how the experience will be for customers if you spread your time with each participant too thinly. For those new to leading workshops, small groups of three or four can often work better.

Alternatively, offering one-to-one tuition is also a workshop option for newcomers to consider. While the returns will be less than a group workshop, you get to shower the participant with attention, which can help build your reputation in the market. The questions you’ll get asked in smaller workshops will help you immensely as you start to plan more ambitious courses.

4. An opportunity to travel

If your language skills are as mature as your photography mastery, you could consider arranging workshops further afield. Being able to communicate and set up access in overseas locations for your participants enables you to travel on someone else’s money.

Read more: The best travel cameras right now

Digital Camera

The sister print publication to this website, Digital Camera Magazine is Britain's best-selling photography publication – and it can also be purchased outside the United Kingdom as Digital Camera World. 

Digital Camera Magazine is packed with more expert advice and more inspirational images than any other title, with the sole aim of helping you become a better photographer. Every issue we also bring you a selection of great gifts which are designed to help you get more from your photography – everything from tips cards and cheat sheets to free software and bookazines. 

In addition to inspirational images, interviews, projects, mini tests and tutorials, each issue is packed with news, reviews and comparisons, as well as photographer vs photographer shootouts and head-to-head challenges using the best photo editing software.

The magazine is captained by Editor Niall Hampton.