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(Image credit: Future)

The new issue of Digital Photographer is out now. 

As the world starts to come out of hibernation we have another amazing issue for you, packed full of pro techniques, advice and insight.

Shoot macro like a pro with our complete masterclass

Improve your closeup studies with our specialist macro masterclass

Improve your closeup studies with our specialist macro masterclass (Image credit: Future)

Explore the world of macro photography like never before with our complete macro masterclass feature. Work with skittish subjects such as insects, shoot superior plant portraits, master composition and improve your lighting of tricky closeup scenes. Then find out how to process your images for the best possible detail. If you love nature photography this is the feature for you! 

Insider knowledge and some much more with our Pro Guide to cityscapes

Shoot cities from a new angle after reading our Pro Guide to cityscapes

Shoot cities from a new angle after reading our Pro Guide to cityscapes (Image credit: Future)

You don't want to miss this one! If you like exploring urban environments then read our pro feature. Just for us, cityscape experts Serge Ramelli and Anton Alymovhave provided their insider knowledge, offering the stories behind some of their best images. Follow Serge and Anton as they explain their secrets to composition, managing complex lighting, planning their shoots, choosing the right gear and processing their images, for the most popular Instagram and commercial looks around today. 

Take your images further with Serge's popular presets, by downloading them after you've read the feature.

Read our interview with Onyi Moss.

Read our interview with Onyi Moss. (Image credit: Future)

This issue we also sat down with portrait specialist Onyi Moss for an exclusive interview. We think you'll be swept away by here immersive lifestyle approach to photography.

Theatrical lighting, Hopper Style

Our lighting work shop will teach you how to light complex indoor environments.  

Our lighting work shop will teach you how to light complex indoor environments.   (Image credit: Future)

Next, why not try your hand at Hollywood lighting effects with our professional project? Learn how to blend inside and outside lighting for a maximal dynamic range, with controlled shadows and direction, for an Edward Hopper style portrait.

 Get your copy of DP Issue 230 today!

Order a print copy of the new mag here, or get a digital copy instantly for £3.

Where to find Digital Photographer

Don't miss out on all of this essential professional-level advice. Get your copy of Digital Photographer now. 

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Home photography ideas: Commercial product photos at home

The best camera gear for landscape photography

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Home photography ideas: Commercial product photos at home

Digital Photographer

Digital Photographer is the ultimate monthly photography magazine for enthusiasts and pros in today’s digital marketplace.

Every issue readers are treated to interviews with leading expert photographers, cutting-edge imagery, practical shooting advice and the very latest high-end digital news and equipment reviews. The team includes seasoned journalists and passionate photographers such as the Editor Peter Fenech, who are well positioned to bring you authoritative reviews and tutorials on cameras, lenses, lighting, gimbals and more.

Whether you’re a part-time amateur or a full-time pro, Digital Photographer aims to challenge, motivate and inspire you to take your best shot and get the most out of your kit, whether you’re a hobbyist or a seasoned shooter.